Today would be a good day to dig a hole

And either climb in it and hide, or start pushing people in it. I hate to gripe, no, really. I know I have it good, I know things could be so much worse. But today, I’m crabby, angry and just plain mean.  I hate most people today. I’m sorry if you are reading this, but most people are just selfish pigs from the short end of the gene pool and that includes me.

This isn’t why I’m crabby, it just adds to the list and it can be published. I don’t think I can take J on vacation because he has missed to much time at the stinkin pizza job. I’d like to say, just quit it and lets go. but is that teaching responsibility?

So I don’t want to go without him so no vacation for me. At all. This year. grr.  What I really want is to go outside get in my car and just drive. and drive and drive, maybe stop at the world’s biggest ball of string but really just drive til I can’t sit up straight and then check into a cheap crappy motel and sleep for four hours and drive some more.

Maybe I WILL go to summer camp and be all sweaty and hot and get stung on the head by a wasp and get my nose sunburned.  Wouldn’t matter, still hate everyone.

One response to “Today would be a good day to dig a hole

  1. Hey, we’re going to Summer Camp. It’s usually a GREAT event. But I am biased – I started it. 🙂

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