Grand Theft Meme (2)

I stole this from Sara who stole it from Bri

Bri didn’t even realize she was starting a meme, but I like the way she phrased the ever so common “ask me anything” post over yonder on her lil’ spot on the web, so in true internet fashion- I’m stealing it.  Ok, well, I’m giving credit, so I guess it isn’t TRUE internet fashion, but nonetheless:

If you read my blog regularly (and there are some IP addresses that pop up pretty frequently, so you know who you are and so do I), I want you to ask me one question that you always wanted to ask me, but never found the right moment to ask.

Now is the right moment.  I am all ears and typing fingers.  Ask me a question and I will blog you the answers.  Nothing is particularly off-limits if it within the bounds of decency.  If, however, I deem the answer will hurt or embarrass somebody other than myself, I will reserve the right to answer privately.  And I am the final arbiter of what that means, since this is, after all, my blog.

If you only lurk, now is the time to delurk, drop a comment or an email, say hi, and keep me in material.

9 responses to “Grand Theft Meme (2)

  1. What’s this odd fascination you have with shoes?

  2. Same question I asked Sarah. Copout, I know, but I am really interested in getting a variety of opinions.

  3. I don’t normally like this question, but I get the feeling you’ll have a good answer to it:

    If you could undo any single direct action you’ve ever taken, what would it be, what would the alternative action be, and what do you think the new end would be?

  4. Does your dog make smacking noises when he’s out of water, like mine is doing right now?

  5. i’m late, i’m late, i’m late!!!

    k, why do you put up with me?

    no no, can’t be about me . . .

    i kinda feel like i know you better than maybe everybody, so . . . surprise me. tell me something i don’t know about you. and try really hard to brag. and i mean that. you don’t brag enough on you. neither do i as i think of it, brag on you that is. so since you rock, enormously, go on, surprise me . . .

  6. The little long nosed one snarks every time she drinks cause water goes up her nose.

  7. He he — oh, to have a little dog. Instead of the small faux human that’s waiting for me at home.

  8. And you can wash a little dog real easy. She trys to get away but at 7 pounds she is no match for the dog washer! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  9. Dog wash? That’s that place at the corner where you can also douse your car, right?

    Love being owned by a Great Dane.

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